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Nowadays, football coaches are constantly searching for new ways to surprise opponents and score goals, as teams are increasingly effective at defending the penalty area. As a result, finding solutions that can break down defensive lines and create scoring opportunities has become essential.
One such solution is the use of “half spaces” – the areas between the wing and the center of the pitch. These spaces have grown in popularity because they allow teams to initiate attacks on the penalty area earlier, before defenders have a chance to position themselves properly.
In this course we will try to discuss in detail the early cross and the player’s behaviors in the half spaces and how they influence the creation of a goal situation.
The first part of the course shows why a half spaces can have a big influence on your attack. Want kind of tactical concepts and behavior in half space will cause the problems for opponent’s.
The rest of the course gradually reveals the next skills that can be used to create goal chance and to score a goal.
Half space in build up phase – this is a chapter will show how your basic set up (structure) can have a big influence on your build up and how use opponent’s structure to find the gaps.
Half space in creation phase – this is a chapter in which the author presents the most effective moves and behaviors that get the ball into the penalty area earlier and surprise your opponent defensive line.
Half space in finishing. This is a chapter that discusses the types of passes and behavior near the penalty area that increase the likelihood of scoring goals.
Early cross is the lesson which author pay much more attention on side areas and how to attack high positioned opponent defensive line.
The last part of the course is how to protect your attack using half spaces to react quickly when you lose the ball.
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