Individual Technical Development

"Individual Technical Development" is a course designed to enhance essential player skills, focusing on individual growth to become a more well-rounded and functional player, no matter the position. The course emphasizes personal technical improvement, independent of team tactics.

Tento kurz je oficiálne schválený SFZ a je uznaný v rámci predlžovania trénerskej licencie.

Čo sa naučíte

  • Comprehensive understanding of the concept pressure and no pressure on the ball and how this influence decision making.
  • Why Left and right foot development is essential.
  • What it means to be more aware of your surroundings through scanning.
  • Why changing directions on and off the ball is so functional to get out of pressure.
  • What differences are there in shielding and protecting the ball. 


  • General understanding of football.
  • This course is in English. Tento kurz je v anglickom jazyku.
  • Kurz môže absolvovať ktokoľvek – držitelia všetkých futbalových licencií, ale aj ľudia bez licencie.
  • Kurz slúži na predĺženie UEFA PRO, UEFA A, UEFA Elite Youth A, UEFA B licencie pre trénerov SFZ v rozsahu 2 hodiny.

Popis kurzu

„Individual Technical Development” is a course designed to build a player’s individual skills, helping them become more versatile and effective on the field, regardless of their position. It highlights the importance of developing both left and right foot control, improving awareness through constant scanning, and mastering techniques like ball shielding and directional changes. Coaches will be better equipped to identify what a player needs to improve and implement these areas into training exercises. Players will also gain a deeper understanding of handling pressure situations and making quick decisions on and off the ball, ensuring they can confidently navigate tight spaces and escape from pressure. This course emphasizes personal growth and technical mastery, independent of team tactics.

This will be illustrated with clear animations and videos to make the learning process faster and easier to comprehend.

O inštruktorovi


Kurz Includes

  • Lekcie: 5
  • Testy: 1
  • Diplom

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